About Me

Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, United States
Hume - San D'oria Rank 6 - 75PLD, 42WAR, 38RDM, 37NIN, 33THF, 33SAM, 27WHM, 25DNC 23DRK, 20MNK, 12BLM, 12BST, 10RNG

PlayOnline News

Saturday, August 29, 2009

i need money.

Angel skin drops make me happy... or really... having gil makes me happy. Doing campaign for so long kinda makes me forget about farming on lvl'ing normally. So I spent last night camping Devil Manta in Kuftal Tunnel with Leenk and Cptporkchop. It usually ends up being a fairly boring time doing that, but... I'm poor so that works.

... I really need to craft more. But... I'm lazy...

I'm trying to lvl a DD job next. Kinda taking a break from PLD for awhile (though it's still my main of course). I've been messing with MNK, DRK, and SAM. I'm told I'll have the most luck with DRK and SAM for end game and tp burn pt's... stuff like that. But... I actually like mnk and with a dnc sub it's insanely easy to solo. If nothing else, all those jobs I'll take up to 37 real quick and go from there.

oh! I got my Iron Ram Hauberk! (and I completely forgot to screen cap it when I got it.)

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