About Me

Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, United States
Hume - San D'oria Rank 6 - 75PLD, 42WAR, 38RDM, 37NIN, 33THF, 33SAM, 27WHM, 25DNC 23DRK, 20MNK, 12BLM, 12BST, 10RNG

PlayOnline News

Sunday, November 25, 2007

good to be home.

I just started playing again. It's nice. I've really missed this game. As I left the game in 2006, I was a 62 pld with rank 5 in San D'oria. I've barely done any missions and I had only done the quests I needed to to get by. I was playing a lot back then to try to keep up with a friend who I started on Odin server with.

I started playing this game originally with my friends Lee and Brandon (Leenk and Yoinokuchi on Ifrit). We had all rp'd together in various message board rpg's... transformer stuff mostly. We're all gamers, geeks, and all three of us like Final Fantasy, so FFXI seemed like a natural thing to get together and play. I went off to basic training for the Air Force (in 04) and Lee and Brandon started playing while I was gone. Lee a DRG and Brandon was a... uhm... whatever mood struck him at the time. I think he started as a whm and now plays pld mostly. I ended up moving to Germany and finally found the time to play when I wasn't working. However, those two started having to deal with other things and didn't play nearly as much. Thus, I was a little bit alone to figure things out. Shouldn't have been a big deal, except that I didn't have lots of time to do that. Enter Angie... LagunaL8 in the art clubs I've known her from before, and Screamer on FFXI. I found out she was playing on Odin and that being back in the days before world transfer, I started a new character and played with her. She was always on so I always had someone to talk to in game and lvl with. It was kind of nice. You don't really want to feel alone in an MMO ya know? Ang however passed me up pretty quick because she was able to play so much. I feel pretty stagnant on lvling and finishing quests. No biggie. I was having fun anyways.

August 2006, my son was born. I took a long break after that to be a dad. I still am of course.

I just started playing again. It's been 15 months. Some of the people I started playing with in Odin are still around (Alphonze, Shize, Screamer, Croce) but most aren't. It's not bad, in just a week I've upped in rank (from 5 to 6), gained 6 levels on pld (66pld/33war now) and finished a few quests here and there. The new expansion is out so I've got those missions along with a few dozen from previous expansions I've not finished. I've got a long way to go. No big deal, I'm still having fun with it.

1 comment:

LagunaL8 said...

wwwwbbbbb! Yay your so back again! XD Hoping ill have more time to help out :3 I think since i moved to hawaii i actually have more time cause I miss out on the JP events sometimes.... well not good but that just cant be helped location wise , hehe. I wanna see u 75 soon! XD woot!