About Me

Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, United States
Hume - San D'oria Rank 6 - 75PLD, 42WAR, 38RDM, 37NIN, 33THF, 33SAM, 27WHM, 25DNC 23DRK, 20MNK, 12BLM, 12BST, 10RNG

PlayOnline News

Saturday, June 28, 2008


i started off with a secondary character (a mithra named chromia) on asura, and since i decided i'll be back on odin anyways, i went a head and used an open content ID to make one on odin too. weird thing about mithra's... ppl always asume their females. granted... i named her elita (giving her a gender neutral name would have been a great idea. oiy). yesterday, i had at least three people walk up to me and make some sort of pass at me. i can't believe this character even got a "hey good looking"... who the heck does that in a game? seriously.
Anyway, at the suggestion of Screamer, i'm lvling her as a rdm first. This works well for me... i'll skill up magic skills as well as melee abilities. When I'm finally able to move my other characters all to the same server, I'm going to give her all of Chromia's armor and gil and let her run with that. (Chromia actually has some decent low-lvl gear)
Being back on Odin is kinda nice. The social aspect of the game has actually returned since there are a few people i know on this server that actually play when I'm usually on. An MMO really isn't massive multiplayer without the social part of the game. I'd been missing that on my other two servers. I'm back in HeartofSword and as soon as I find someone from the linkshell, I'll be back with OdinsArtists too. I read that last weekend, Kiela accidentally broke the LS. XD

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Now THIS is nice. It'll take me awhile to get around to all the rest of the stuff in the version update put in recently (well... aside from it loading right now and taking forever), but as soon as that's done, i'm going to go get this pld spell. I was really hoping pld's would get this from the time they started talking about it when the WotG expansion first came out. I'm a happy boy.
Now I just hope it works as well as I think it will. At first I thought it would just be a magic reflecting spell, but "increases chance of blocking with shield"? Oh hells yes!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

real friends suck

Well, not really... but I realize now I never should have started this server jumping thing. Initially I went to ifrit. that was a bad idea. then in early May I went over to Valefor to play with a couple of guys I work with only to find out that just a couple of days after I started on that server, they had moved to Asura. Had I known they were going there, I would have just moved to that server in the first place... So now my main is kinda stuck on VF with my two friends angry linkshell until I can move him again (coming in and saying "hey! i'm friends with ____" and then that person deserting the linkshell doesn't a happy group make)

So... Just for the hell of it I started a mule over on Asura and I've been lvl'ing her a little bit. It's weird starting all over. With the amount of experience I have had so far, I feel like I could probably lvl this character up better and faster than my main. (main = Beamr/hume, mule = Chromia/mithra... other character = Twinkle/taru). I like playing a mithra and kinda wished I'd tried before. Having better ACC and DEX is rather nice. I still prefer my hume though of course...

So in a couple of months (when my time to move comes up again) I'm heading back to Odin. I'm not sure how effective that will be because I'm going to be leaving on a deployment right around then. I've got ffxi loaded on my computer, but my graphics card sucks so it looks kinda funny. I'm not quite used to the PC controls either and... I have no idea how my connection will be over there. More than likely it'll be pretty slow and horrible if I have much of one at all. I guess we'll see. At least until then, my ps2 seems to be working so long as I don't play it too much. The thing is 8 years old now. lol

Beamr is currently at 72 pld. I don't have sky/sea, limbus, dynamis, or any of that yet. I should just go look for some shouts in whitegate to see if I can help someone/get help with doing it. I've found that relying on IRL friends to work on that doesn't work real well. bleh. I think to keep up with lvl'ing him, I'm just going to be sticking him in campaign as much as I can. Chromia at this time is sitting at 11 war with no subjob yet and I'm just about to finish San D'Oria rank 1. I started her 2 days ago so she's progressing well. I actually started lvl'ing her with axe/shield rather than sword/shield like i did with beamr when i started him out... I like how that's working too.

anyways... back to the game! /run *whoosh!*